Coca Cola

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Domeniu: Marketing
Conține 1 fișier: docx
Pagini : 8 în total
Cuvinte : 1975
Mărime: 30.21KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Bartolomeu Danciu
Puncte necesare: 5

Extras din referat

1. Company profile

The Coca-Cola Company was first established in 1886 by Dr John Styth Pemberton. Today, the company is the world's leading manufacturer in the beverage industry, operating globally in more than 200 countries with its head office located in Atlanta, USA. It produces more than 300 beverage brands and over 1.06 billion drinks are consumed per day around the world.

Mission Statement

The Coca-Cola Company's mission statement is:

`Remind Coca-Cola is the read thing', but their motto now has changed to `To benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our business.'

Also Coca-Cola would hope to provide the best quality drink for everyone, all the employees working for them being at their top and fulliest.

2. Product line

Did you know that the Coca-Cola Company offers a portfolio of more than 3,500 products in over 200 countries?

From Inca Kola, a sparkling beverage found in North and South America, and Samurai, energy drink available in Asia; to Vita, an African juice drink, and BonAqua, a water found on four continents, Coca-cola Company product variety spans the globe!

Here are some major Coca Cola Products in USA: Dasani water, Fanta, Powerade, Sprite, Flavored Cokes such as Cherry, Vanilla and many more, Barq’s Root Beer, Fresca, Mr. Pibb, Nestea, Minute Maid, Bacardi Mixers Fruitopia, TaB, Tahiti Treat, Mello Yello, Splice, & Mexican Coke.

This is of course just a partial list as there are literally hundreds of beverages included in their portfolio in various markets around the world.

Basically the Coca-Cola Company made 7 types of drink for the world:

First Energy drinks—for those with a high-intensity approach to life, there brands of energy drinks contain ingredients such as ginseng extract, guarana extract, and caffeine and B vitamins.

Juices/juice drinks—they bring innovation to the goodness of juice in their more than 100 juices and juice drink brands, offering both adults and children nutritious, refreshing and flavorful beverages.

Soft drinks—their dozens of soft drink brands provide flavor and refreshment in a variety of choices. From the original Coca-Cola to most recent introductions, soft drinks from The Coca-Cola Company are both icons and innovators in the beverage industry.

Sports drinks—carbohydrates, fluids, and electrolytes team together in our sports drinks, providing rapid hydration and terrific taste for fitness-seekers at any level.

Tea and coffee—bottled and canned teas and coffees provide consumers' favorite drinks in convenient take-anywhere packaging, satisfying both traditional tea drinkers and today's growing coffee culture.

Water—smooth and essential, their waters and water beverages offer hydration in its purest form.

Other—so much more than soft drinks, their brands also include milk products, soup, and more.

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