Effective Business Communication

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Conține 2 fișiere: doc
Pagini : 25 în total
Cuvinte : 2820
Mărime: 33.55KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Georgiana F.
Puncte necesare: 0
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: D-na Ghiga

Extras din curs

When is communication effective?

Only when others understand your message and respond to it the way you want them to

Effective communication:

- manage your work flow

- improve business relationships

- enhance your professional image

- other important benefits:

What do employers expect from you?

competent  communication tasks

Specific skills  advance in career

- organizing ideas and information coherently and completely

- expressing and presenting ideas coherently and persuasively

- listening to others effectively (active listening)

- communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and having different experiences

- using communication technologies effectively and efficiently

- communicating in a civilised manner that reflects contemporary expectations of business etiquette

- communicating ethically

Characteristics of Effective Communication

„Knowledge may be power, but communication skills are the primary raw materials of good client relationships.” (project manager at NASA's Marshal Space Flight Center)

- provide practical information

- give facts rather than impression

- clarify and condense information

- state precise responsibilities

- persuade others and offer recommendations

Communication in Organizational Settings

Communication = vital link bet. people / information

Internal & external communication

Formal and Informal Communication


1. Formal Communication Network

Ideas & information  along the lines of command (hierarchical levels)

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  • Effective Business Communication
    • Lecture 1_2 Effective Business Communication_09.doc
    • Lecture 3_4 Business Present.doc

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