English for Economics

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Publicat de: Celia Boca
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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Univ. Lecturer Liviu Mihail Marinescu, Ph.D
DANUBIUS University Galati Faculty of Economics

Extras din curs




John is a 1st year student in Economics at “Danubius” University , Galatz. He

is not only delighted with the entire learning environment directly connected to

student agenda, but also very pleased with his activity as a student here, at this

university. He considers himself as a future economist and this is precisely why he

is used to thinking in economic terms. As Abraham Maslow, an early management

thinker, puts it in his famous “ pyramid o needs”, the first things that people

consider are those they directly need. It is only after satisfying the most important

needs that other necessities will appear. To cut a long story short, this University

provides him with topnotch learning conditions (in terms of hand-books and

documentary materials) and with the best teaching conditions (as far as he can

remember the staff in here is entirely made up of doctors (Ph.D.s) and trainees for a

doctor’s degree (Ph.D. in Progress), be they junior or senior assistants, lectures,

readers or university professors).


Now John has to cope with all professional challenges that are noticeable in

his field of activity. That is why all he is supposed to do is learn a lot in order to

improve his own professional abilities.

Exercises : Tasks and questions to answer:

1. Read the text and translate it into Romanian. Make use of an English-

Romanian dictionary, if necessary.

2. Why is John pleased with his being a student at “ Danubius” University?

3. Is John used to thinking in economic terms ?

4. Try to compare yourself to John. What would you say about your own

activity at “Danubius “?

5. Do you have future plans involving your activity as a student?

6. Are you a typical student or a special one, i.e. an extremely good learning

student ?

7. How is a good student supposed to improve his learning skills in the field of


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