Mountain Tourism

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Publicat de: Nicolaie Tofan
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Tourism and mountains

Mountain areas are second only to coasts and islands as popular tourism destinations, generating 15-20% percent of annual global tourism, or US$ 70-90 billion per year.

Tourists are attracted to mountain destinations for many reasons, including the climate, clean air, unique landscapes and wildlife, scenic beauty, local culture, history and heritage, and the opportunity to experience snow and participate in snow-based or nature-related activities and sports.

While modern forms of transportation have made even remote mountain areas accessible to increasing numbers of visitors, mountain tourism tends to be very unevenly distributed, with a small proportion of locations having significant tourism infrastructure.

For example, in the European Alps, where tourism now exceeds 100 million visitor-days per year, 40% percent of communities have no tourism at all, while 10% percent have extensive and specialized tourism infrastructure.


Mountain tours may be self-guided or led by a tour guide.

They may last hours, days or weeks and can involve a range of land-, snow- and freshwater-based activities.

Mountain tours often include one or more overnight stays. Where temporary forms of accommodation, such as tents or vehicles (e.g. camping trailers or mobile homes) are used, these stays are considered camping.

The equipment and provisions needed for nature walks and camping activities vary depending on the duration of the walk, the weather conditions and predictability of the weather, and environmental conditions, such as the incline, likelihood of ice on trails or the level of snow.

The availability of facilities, such as toilets, food, water and shelter, along the route will also help determine the necessary supplies.

Mountain-based Tours

Mountain-based Tours



Environmental impacts


Responsible practices can help increase the quality of visitor experiences and maintain the viability of tourism businesses by protecting the biodiversity, preserving the habitats and landscapes and supporting the communities that visitors are coming to see.

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