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Publicat de: Norman Savu
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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Pascu Maria

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Have you ever bargained for something? Describe your experience. Was it successful?

How would you define negotiations?

1. A brief definition

A negotiation is:

a back-and-forth communication where 2 or more parties bargain for a desired outcome

1. A brief definition

The parties involved in negotiation have interests that may be:



What communication skills are necessary for successful negotiations?

2. Negotiation essentials

For successful negotiation, remember the following advanced communication skills:

a positive attitude

beliefs can affect outcomes

=> believe that you deserve what you want to get


Do you usually think positively or negatively? What could the implications be for business transactions?

2. Negotiation essentials

For successful negotiation, remember the following advanced communication skills:

state your desires and concerns clearly

listen carefully to the other party’s desires and concerns

2. Negotiation essentials

For successful negotiation, remember the following advanced communication skills:

knowledge of the negotiation process

know how to break down an issue into separate parts

negotiate or bargain for who gets each part

know how to address common interests for mutual gains


Give examples of some possible mutual gains in a negotiation.

2. Negotiation essentials

For successful negotiation, remember the following advanced communication skills:

an understanding of human behaviour

know what motivates you and the other party

be aware of what matters to you and to the other party

know how to apply all relevant communication skills

(see the previous and subsequent units in this course)

2. Negotiation essentials

For successful negotiation, remember the following advanced communication skills:

using creativity

solve problems creatively

find innovative solutions

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