Orange România

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Publicat de: Lorin Muntean
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: J Moise

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Orange Romania is the largest GSM operator in Romania. By April 2002, Orange operated under the brand Dialogue. In February 2006, Orange Romania had over 7,000,000 customers, giving it a market share of 56.95%. Orange Romania's success is due to network quality, services offered and the brand.With a population coverage of 96.6%, Orange Romania offers each person a choice between flexible subscription plans that can be customized, and PrePay.

Orange is in direct competition with Vodafone for the 13.7 million mobile users in Romania but has surpassed Vodafone (then Connex) in the number of customers in September 2004. Orange has introduced EDGE technology in early 2005 in four Romanian cities (Bucharest, Cluj, Timisoara and Brasov), a transition to 3G technology. EDGE coverage was expanded nationally in November 2006.

Orange Romania is the Romanian subsidiary of the global mobile operator Orange SA, the mobile division of France Telecom. Orange Romania is 96.8% owned by France Telecom.

Orange is the brand under which France Telecom provides mobile communications services, Internet and television. France Telecom Group is a world leader in telecommunications services, with over 163 million customers on five continents.

Creativity, courage, dynamism, openness, attention to detail, consistency in defining what is Orange.


- The largest market share;

- The highest turnover;

- A good geographic coverage;

- High notoriety of the mark;

- Revenue of 1.2 billion, up with 24.1% over 2006;

- Its own distribution channel

- Loyalty program for all well-defined groups of customers;

- ARPU (average revenue per user) lower than the market challenger;

- The Brand lose ground to new competitors who enter the market;

- Degree of interest of potential customers decreases;

- Market share in the prepaid segment strong decrease;

- Migration of skilled employees to competitors newcomers;

- Growth potentia in wireless Internet segment;

- The market for broadband growth in full;

- Low interconnection charges, more than 40%;

- The more efficient Telecom equipment enabling the development of new services and increasing sales to existing ones; T

- Growing competition from Vodafone on the business segment;

- Strong competition from Cosmote on the prepaid segment;

- Entry of RCS & RDS on the mobile telephony market with dumping offers ;

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  • Orange Romania
    • Orange Romania.doc
    • Orange Romania.ppt

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