Sanyo HEC-SA5000K - Massage Chair

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Publicat de: Cantemir Bogdan
Puncte necesare: 6

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Chair massage is a different variation on the traditional method of massage therapy as “regular” massage therapy that is performed on a massage table. There are quite a number of differences between having a massage performed on a massage table and having a chair massage. Yes, there will be those people who feel a better level of comfort sitting in the chair as opposed to lying on a table. Sometimes a particular injury or condition may be more comfortable to deal with when sitting in a chair so people will pick a chair massage for that reason, but there is also a more deeper design that can be incorporated into a chair.

A chair might be a bit more than complicated than just performing a massage in a chair. The body positioning in the chair allows the massage therapist to perform certain techniques and methods of massage that can provide a different fusion point on the pressure in the fingertips in relation to the specific body positioning of the person who is positioned at tree. In particular, the main points that the massage will be touched upon in the chair massage will seek to deal with the specific tensions in the neck, back, deltoids, etc. These specific parts of the body are usually a typical point of pain and tension to a great of people so a massage performed directly on these areas will be a great aid in eliminating the resultant pain that carries throughout the body.

Yes, the popularity of massage chairs is so huge that it is not too uncommon to see a massage chair in all sorts of public places, hotels and airports. This in and of itself is a total testament of the effectiveness of the art and science of chair massage therapy

Enjoying a relaxing message has never been easier. With the Sanyo HEC-SA5000K Massage Chair you get rid yourself of stress and stiff muscles without ever leaving the comfort of your home. This top of the line massage chair makes use of Sanyo’s special stiffness detection and physical shape sensors that offer a unique and tailored made massage.

Special rollers knead the muscle to imitate the massage you might receive from a professional massage therapist. You can choose from 1 of 4 full-body automatic courses, or 3 lower body courses. In addition, the user is given the capability to manually control the massage, and may select one of 8 individual or 12 combinations.

For those aching muscles and joints in the lower body, you will find relief by way of air bags

with special multi-point heated shiatsu massage

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