Approaching new customers

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Domeniu: Economie
Conține 1 fișier: docx
Pagini : 4 în total
Cuvinte : 1361
Mărime: 20.14KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Andronache V.
Puncte necesare: 5

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For many salespeople, the initial approach of a potential customer is doomed to failure. And if the first interaction fails, then it takes a lot of courage in future attempts to get in touch with the target customer. Therefore, it is important to find the solution that can increase our chances right from the first interaction with the client.

The explanation for the initial failure is often given by the fact that the approach focuses on what the salesperson wants to communicate about his offer and his products. But changing this reality and emphasizing what interests the client, we can have the pleasant surprise to discover that the client has time for us and another great one.

When a company needs to keep customers around and has to win new ones, they must make must make management of the relationaship with the customer a priortiy. „The client is king” is what rules most companies and they wouldn’t exist without them. This relationship between the company and the customer is nothing but the set of tasks that involve interactions with the customer.

If we are looking for an official definition, we can fiind that this relationship is defined as all actions aimed at increasing sales by creating and monitoring a relationship with customers. That means it is the implementation of means and techniques in order to create and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between a company and its customers.

The goal of good customer relationships is to add value to customers. For this, it is fundamental to know how a company should organize itself in order to know the preferences of the customers. The manager of the company is the one who is responsible for developing a good strategy with the help of the teams he leads. From marketing to production to quality managers, all members of the company must contribute and work in the same direction to ensure customer acquisition and retention.

It's a process that involves knowing not only your customers, but also your competitors. It requires defining your vision for the culture of the company: the way you want to be perceived by your buyers, the position you are aiming for in the market, the service or the ideal product you want to deliver. It is also a job that requires the participation and collaboration of all stakeholders in the company.

Nowadays all departments of the company have up-to-date data to fulfill their role. Marketing is responsible for identifying and targeting potential customers. Salespeople prospect and sell using their best assets. Customer support responds to customer concerns and improves their reviews. Logistics takes care of stocks and deliveries. The analysis department assesses the results and ensures continuous improvement in knowledge of the customer.

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