Advantages of working in a multinational company

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Business is everywhere in the world when there is people around it, so does the existing of firms, organizations and companies. A company in law simply refers to a legal entity formed which has a separate legal identity from its members, and is ordinarily incorporated to undertake commercial business. Companies in most parts of the world can generally grouped into two of which is the local company and international company. Local company usually refers to company just operate within a certain country, county or even just in a certain area.

On the other hand, international company mostly refer as multinational corporation(MNC) of which is an enterprise that manages production establishments or delivers services in at least two countries. Multinational corporations have played an important role in these days especially when the world’s business has moving towards globalization, and it can be said that out of 100 largest economies in the world there will be at 51 of them are multinational corporations.

Furthermore, very large multinational corporations have a powerful influence in the international relations as they have budgets that can exceed those of many countries. This is because they have large economic influence in the politicians’ representative districts, such as Microsoft the computer software’s company and Morley one of the world largest cigarettes manufacturing company have some influence in the America politic; as well as these multinational corporations have their extensive financial resources available for public relations and political lobbying.

Meanwhile the multinational corporations also facing some challenges, as they must compete with other MNCs and the local existing companies as well as the new entrances in the market. Many multinational corporations have voted employee as their most important investments or most important resources. For example Dell has set that employees are the reason for it success to gain customers interest among other competitors. In order for some multinational corporations to control their employees’ turnover rate, and to maintain the specialists they have in the company, they have practices some effective ways and techniques.

First of all the technique is giving good compensations and benefits to their employees. For example Intel Corporation’s compensation and benefits package that given to their employees. Intel is known as a successful building block supplier to the worldwide Internet economy by hiring the best and brightest people to work for them. Intel also believe employees are the most important investment for success that if they shared the success with their employees who have helped us earn it, will make the employees feel satisfaction and fulfillment to the company and that will lead them to contribute more to the company in return. Intel’s comprehensive benefits and compensation packages to their employees are also reflected on that belief of employees are the most important investment for success.

The comprehensive benefits and compensation packages of Intel to their employees have including the two types of bonus programs, of which is the Employee Cash Bonus Plan (ECBP). The ECBP is a profit-sharing program that tied directly to Intel's financial performance. Under this program, certain Intel employees will be rewarded through a cash payout twice each year; of which is an over inception plan that is the corporate average of 7.7% of annual eligible income or 20 days pay. Beside the ECBP there is another bonus program, the Employee Bonus which is based on personal and business group performance, as well as corporate earnings per share. Under this bonus program the reward will be paid out only once each year and the reward will be figures as much as 1 to 4% of the employee’s eligible earnings.

Furthermore at Intel Corporation’s compensation and benefits package, their employees might own a stake in the company by going through the Intel's Stock Option Plan. Under this plan, Intel’s full and part-time employees may be eligible to receive options based on their past performance and anticipated future contributions. In order to show Intel’s sincerity to their employees, all employees are encouraged to enroll in the Stock Participation Plan. This is the program that offers employees an opportunity to purchase Intel stock at a price lower than the fair market value through convenient payroll deductions. This Stock Option Plan is to make Intel’s employees feel more self belonging to Intel, so indirectly the employees will contribute more as subconsciously they will be treating Intel as their own company.

Under these whole Intel Corporation’s compensation and benefits package, Intel offers a variety of important benefit programs to protect the well-being of the employees as well as their eligible family members, which are including the same-sex domestic partners. Intel has offering comprehensive medical, dental, vision, disability and group life insurance coverage to the employees and a voluntary coverage options for their family members under the benefits program from the very first day of his or hers employment.

In addition, if the employee was and is working in US Intel Corporation’s compensation and benefits package, then every seven years, all the regular full-time employees over in the United States will be entitled to an eight-week sabbatical with pay. In order for the employees to have normal vacation and some personal time off, Intel also offer a competitive vacation program in the U.S., and an additional nine holidays as well as a "floating" holiday every year.

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