Essays - Structures

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how to describe objects, places or buildings, festivals, events or ceremonies, people. the structure of an opinion essay, of an argumentative one and of a narration

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First of all, when you describe objects you should give information concerning the size and weight, the shape, the pattern or the decoration, the colour, origin, material.


" You are not supposed to use all these words in all because this can make your description sound unusual.

" You have to give the necessary information in different sentences.

You can find descriptions of objects in different catalogues, advertisements, parts of letters, reports, articles and stories.


A composition consisting of a description of a building or a place should consist of:

a) an introduction giving brief information about the name and location of the place or building and stating the reason for choosing to write about it

b) a main body of the composition giving both general and specific information about the place or building usually moving from the general features to specific ones

1. When you write about a place you should give the overall impression referring to the landscape, buildings or landmarks and particular details (sites to see, buildings to visit)

2. When you describe a building you should write about its surroundings and after that a full descriptions of details of the in and outs of building

c) a conclusion in which you express your feelings concerning the topic (subject) and giving recommendations

1. You may also write why a specific place is popular or important to you.

2. You can find these kinds of descriptions in magazines, articles, travelling brochures.

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