Euthanasia and Suicidal Tourism în Switzerland

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Publicat de: Anatolie A.
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Extras din referat

Euthanasia is considered to be one of the most complex issues nowadays.

The Medical Dictionary defines euthanasia as:

“The act or practice of killing hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy ;

Also : the act or practice of allowing a hopelessly sick or injured patient to die by taking less than complete medical measures to prolong life called also mercy killing “.

The Cultural Dictionary defines euthanasia as:

“Painlessly putting someone to death — usually someone with an incurable and painful disease; mercy killing. “

New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition

The practice of euthanasia arises two questions:

Is it well-intentioned help to someone who suffers and wishes to die ?


Is it a murder of a human being?

The main argument for the practice of euthanasia is is the following: Life is benefit only when positive emotions prevail over negative emotions.

The main argument against the practice of euthanasia is: In fact, is recognized suicide.

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