Sibiu - European Cultural Capital

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Publicat de: Cristian Drăgan
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The Program “ European Cultural Capital”, held jointly this year by Sibiu and Luxembourg, was initiated in 1985 by the Council of Ministers of Culture and the European Community, in order to celebrate the contribution of the European cities to the development of culture.

Sibiu has submitted its candidature in the beginning of 2004, along with Luxembourg. The discovery of common roots between Sibiu ( Hermanstadt, in German) and Luxembourg, the partnership and event coordination between the two cities helped the nomination of Sibiu, very fast, following the ballot of the votes of the Council of Ministers of Culture from the European Union, as a European Cultural Capital in 2007, along with Luxembourg.

In January 2005, the Association Sibiu European Cultural Capital 2007 has discussed and endorsed the strategy for the approach and preparation of the cultural projects for 2007; there were 200, totaling over a thousand events in different fields: theatre, music, literature, motion picture, photo, fine art, architecture.

Sibiu 2007 represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for a Romanian city to host the European Capital of Culture designation. For hundreds of years the fortified town of Sibiu/ Hermannstadt lay in the way of Middle Age invasions, conflicts and wars. That is why in those troubled centuries the town first greeted the strangers who arrived here with the cold defence walls and the closed gates. A legend tells that eight centuries ago the founders of the town drew the outer limits of the settlement with two swords. These weapons can be seen now only on the town’s historic coat of arms.

The people of Sibiu are warm and hospitable. They welcome with open arms the visitors, wheather they come on business or as tourists looking for the rich experience at the contact with our cultural heritage, or in search of fun, sports or nature.


- Thalia Hall - Str. Cetatii - The largest defence tower of the city built in 1540 was added and adjoining construction and was turned into a theatre at the beginning of the 19th century. The work on restauration and rehabilitation was completed in 2004. With its 400 places, Thalia Hall will host theatrical shows and concerts.

- Trade Unions Cultural Centre - Built in the 70’s, the Trade Unions Cultural Centre houses two halls, one with 760 places - for concerts and theatre, the other with 120 places – for conferences. Trade Union Cultural Centre is the traditional host for the Internationa Jazz Festival

- Festivity Hall of ASTRA Library - Building dating from 1905, with marmor columns and richly guilded decorations of a mixture between late Barocque and Victorian style. Used for theatre, concerts and conferences, 220 places.

- Festivity Hall of Brukenthal Highschool - Housed by the building of the oldest highschool of the city, the impressive Festivity Hall is decorated with Barocque panneled wood. Used for conferences, concerts. Up to 130 places.

- The Amphiteatre on Dumbrava Lake placed in the open air Museum of Village Life. The scene constructed on the lake makes a provocative and inspiring location for concerts, happenings, dance performances. Beautifully surrounded by the forests of Dumbrava natural parc, the Amphitheatre has a capacity of 300 persons.

Historic buildings:

- The Liars Bridge, Piata Mica - The first iron-cast bridge in Romania built in 1859 over the way of acces that connects the upper town to the lower town, opened in 1851.

- Bobel House, Str. Avram Iancu nr. 16 - It is among the oldest dwelling from Sibiu

- The Old Town Hall - A historic building used to be the Old Town Hall for 450 years. The building was built in 16th century in Renaissance and Gothic style. There is a gallery in the yard, which leads to the tower.

- In the Lower Town, at the further end of strada Zidului (Wall Street) stands the circular Gunpowder Tower (Turnul Pulberariei). A circular massive tower built in 16th century as part of Ocna Gate Complex used to store gunpowder. In Pulberariei street stands an octagonal tower built by the Tanner's guild, Turnul Pielarilor

- Stairs Tower , Piata Huet - The tower, one of the oldest building in Sibiu, is raised on the foundation of the oldest element preserved from the first fortifications around the church existing here at the end of the 12-th century. The present tower is dated from 1542

- The Arts House, Piata Mare nr. 21 - The Arts House is one of the most beautiful buildings in Sibiu and one of city's symbols. The Arts House, is the Old Butchers house built in 15th century and designed for shops, dominates the square with its silhouette with eight arches at the ground floor. Now hosts the "Emil Sigerus' Museum

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