The right to work

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Publicat de: Lidia S.
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In a world in which the dynamics of biases puts its mark on the evolution of societies, we are seeing an increasing phenomenon of intolerance. The cultural, vision and action differences of individuals have, over time, led to the formation of unfair criteria of classification, in the form of differentiations that continuously spread the phenomenon of discrimination.

Discrimination is an action that involves different and unfair treatment of people because of their belonging to a particular social group. There are several forms of discriminatory behavior, but all share the fact that it involves some form of exclusion or rejection.

In most democratic countries there are anti-discrimination laws, and equal treatment is generally guaranteed by the Constitution. However, the phenomena of discrimination does exist despite the absence of pro-discrimination laws, and also is present against legislative efforts to combat the very on phenomenon.

Among the most common phenomes of discrimination are: discrimination on the grounds of age, wealth, political beliefs, nationality, race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

In sociology, the term "discrimination" is the unfavorable treatment of an individual or a group of individuals based on their belonging to a particular "class" or "category". Discrimination may involve excluding or limiting access for members of the discriminated group of people, from the exercise of certain rights and chances that are otherwise available to other social groups.

There are a number of criteria by which a person can be discriminated (nationality, gender, race, political orientation, religious affiliation, language, etc.), but we will deal briefly with the racial discernment, because discrimination based on race with all its unwanted consequences in behavioral terms, is one of the most widespread problems of intolerance in today's world.

The term "racial discrimination" means any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference on grounds of race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin, which has as its object or effect of annulment or reduction of unrecognition and the exercise of the fundamental rights of freedoms in all domains: political, economic, social, cultural or any other aspects of public life.

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