The Three Musketeers - The Novel and Characters

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Publicat de: Ramona Toth
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Seventeenth century France could be also called the century of fairy tales and adventures. In a world of kings, balls, gentlemen, conspirators, and passionate love, life is anything but ordinary, and in his books, Alexandre Dumas captures its sparkles and weaves them into a breathtaking story. The Three Musketeers is the story of a young man, named d’Artagnan, who, in his attempt to achieve his dream of becoming a musketeer, gets himself into risky situations and dangerous conspiracies, but faces them with as much courage as a man could have. Following his father’s advice, d’Artagnan leaves home and heads to Paris, with a letter for Monsieur de Treville, the captain of the musketeers, and the hope that he will one day become one of those men that he admires. But as no dream is easy to accomplish, d’Artagnan has to pass many provocations and prove his qualities many times before he can begin to reach the edge of his dream.

Courage, one of the most appreciated qualities from all times, and in 18th century France, even more than a quality, it was a necessity for succeeding in life and achieving goals. D’Artagnan didn’t lack courage; his father taught him everything a father could teach his son before letting him learn and discover for himself as he started his new life in Paris. Although not instant or obvious, d’Artagnan’s arrival in Paris and his determination to become a musketeer, changes the lives of everyone who in one way or another, are associated with the musketeers. Still naïve, but stubborn and courageous, he gains the sympathy of Monsieur de Trevillle from the first moment they meet. Then, thanks to a series of hilarious events, d’Artagnan meets the three inseparable musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, and has the chance to prove his courage for the first time. Although famous for their dueling, d’Artagnan, challenged by each of them, prefers to fight until one of them kills him rather then not honoring the challenge. But instead, when the cardinal’s soldiers try to arrest them for violating the law, he has the chance to prove his courage and skill by fighting and wounding one of the cardinals’ best men. From then on, he and his three friends, the musketeers, are inseparable. Slowly, without him even noticing, d’Artagnan penetrates the hidden secrets of the most important and dangerous conspiracies in France. His discoveries attracts the Cardinal’s attention, and changes the plans of some of the most important persons in the “game.” It is not his courage that pushes him into the attention of the high ranking people and their web of intrigues, but his intelligence and stubbornness, too. Madame Bonacieux’s abduction gives d’Atragnan the chance to prove his qualities while earning him the respect and admiration of his three friends and Monsieur de Treville’s. He thinks outside the box and acts after judging the advantages, as well as the disadvantages of the situation. “I’ve always said that d’Artagnan has a better head on his shoulders than any of the rest of us,” says Athos, illustrating his respect and consideration for his younger friend.

Always looking for the chance to prove his courage, d’Artagnan finds out about the danger the Queen faces and offers to help her. Although the journey seems more than just dangerous, he decides to go to London with the letter for Buckingham. Counting on his friends and his servants’ support, he does everything to accomplish his mission. One by one, his friends remain behind, retained by the traps that the Cardinal has put in their way. Once again, he proves his intelligence and courage when, in order to leave France, he needs a pass signed by the Cardinal, which he takes after fighting and winning a duel with Lord de Wardes. Appearing to always find the perfect occasion and circumstances, d’Artagnan reaches England and gives the letter to Buckingham, thus saving the Queen from humiliation and France from war.

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