Students perceptions of artificial intelligence in higher education

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Publicat de: Edille Bogdan
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Over the past decade, there has been significant progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), marking it as an emerging technology with potential significance in the realm of education. It is poised to assume a substantial role in both the processes of teaching and learning in the immediate future. This study aims to delineate the viewpoints of university students pertaining to the concept of artificial intelligence.

To this end, an online survey was conducted among students enrolled at Partium Christian University in Romania. The survey sought to gauge students' level of awareness regarding AI, the sources they utilize for acquiring knowledge about AI, their feelings toward AI, their perspectives on its potential impact across various domains, its primary advantages within the educational, teaching, and learning contexts, and also the potential drawbacks AI might bring to the educational sphere. This research is an integral component of a broader investigation and is characterized by its exploratory nature. Our primary objective was to comprehend how students within our university perceive artificial intelligence and how they envision its role within education.

For the purpose of data analysis, an open-source software was employed, enhancing the precision of capturing the students' viewpoints and sentiments regarding artificial intelligence. The outcomes closely align with findings documented in the international body of literature.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, perception, education process, impact, evaluation process


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping higher education, revolutionizing teaching and learning. It personalizes education via adaptive platforms, tailoring content. AI-driven data analysis enhances efficiency, optimizing resources and support. Virtual classrooms and AI tutors break barriers, yet concerns arise over job displacement and ethical grading. Balancing AI's potential while preserving the human element is vital for higher education in the digital age.

Throughout history, key technological breakthroughs have elicited multifaceted responses [1]. In our constantly evolving world, a pervasive unease stemming from skepticism about the unpredictable has woven itself into our lives. Artificial Intelligence, in alignment with this trend, frequently triggers a range of emotions among those who encounter it [2].

Among those who are aware of incremental shifts in AI, a blend of sentiments commonly emerges—curiosity, enthusiasm, and notably, anxiety [3]. This anxiety originates from the premise that AI could potentially perceive humans as adversaries, thereby giving rise to concerns about AI-driven devices facilitating large-scale cyberattacks or disseminating extensive volumes of unverified data, leading to widespread misinformation [4].

Furthermore, considering the projected potential for AI to displace over 20 million jobs by 2027 [5], negative attitudes towards AI may also be influenced by apprehensions of economic instability. Although understandable, fear of AI can limit technological progress [6].

Artificial intelligence has also made its way into the realm of education. The private sector is increasingly crafting 'intelligent,' 'adaptive,' and 'personalized' learning systems designed for implementation in educational institutions worldwide, forming a market projected to reach a value of $6 billion by 2024 [7]. Undoubtedly, the integration of AI into educational contexts gives rise to profound inquiries - for instance, regarding the content and methodologies of instruction, the evolving role of educators, and the social and ethical implications of AI. In light of these considerations, the UNESCO guidance [7] aims to assist policymakers in gaining a deeper comprehension of the potentials and consequences of utilizing AI for teaching and learning. The aim is to ensure that AI's incorporation in educational contexts genuinely contributes to the accomplishment of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


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