Adolescence - Development

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Publicat de: Ina Izabela Păun
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rapid increase in height and

weight that occurs during


The growth spurt for girls typically

occurs around age 10.5.

The growth spurt for boys

typically occurs around age 12.5.

Sexual Development of


 The first sign of puberty is the

growth spurt.

 The breasts begin to develop and

pubic hair begins to appear.

 Menarche (the first menstrual

period) occurs a year after the

development of the breasts

(between 12.5 and 13 years old).

Sexual Development of


The initial sign of puberty is the

growth of the testes (around 11.5

years old).

During the growth spurt (around

age 12.5) enlargement of the penis


Development of pubic hair.

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