Prezentare McDonald's

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Publicat de: Lucian Stoica
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Prezentarea se refera la cunoscutul McDonald's si este facuta in Power Point

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McDonald's Corporation, fast-food restaurant company based in Oak Brook, Illinois. Since the 1950s, McDonald’s family-oriented restaurants have revolutionized the fast-food business and the company has become one of the best known in the world. Thousands of McDonald’s restaurants in countries around the world serve millions of customers a day. McDonald’s restaurants, which offer toy promotions and often feature playgrounds, are especially popular with children.

The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by siblings Dick and MacDonald in San Bernardino,California. Their introduction of the "Speedee Service System" in 1948 established the principles of the modern fast-food restaurant. The original mascot of McDonald's was a man with a chef's hat on top of a hamburger shaped head whose name was "Speedee." Speedee was eventually replaced with Ronald McDonald in 1963.

During the 1960s, McDonald’s began to mount aggressive advertising and marketing campaigns. In 1962 the company adopted the golden arches as its trademark. Ronald McDonald, the familiar clown that serves as McDonald’s mascot, was introduced in 1963.

McDonald’s also began to establish high-profile charities. The company opened the first Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1974. Ronald McDonald Houses provide temporary housing near hospitals for the families of seriously ill children. Today, Ronald McDonald House Charities operate more than 170 Ronald McDonald Houses in 13 countries.

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