Documente publicate de Olimpiu Valer Nicoară

Olimpiu Valer Nicoară

Olimpiu Valer Nicoară

3 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

The romanian nationalism

Introduction The concept of Nationalism is the subject of one of the biggest controversies of the 20th century, if not the biggest of them all. Scholars have many definitions and many different ways of explaining nationalism and the way it appeared. It was also considered a closed subject at the end of ‘80s when... citește mai departe

18 pagini 6 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Romania's Accession to the EU

In 1997 the Council agreed on the negotiations procedure for the fifth enlargement of the EU with twelve countries, including Romania. The Accession Intergovernmental Conferences for each candidate country have met in sessions held at the level of ministers or deputies, permanent representatives, for the Member... citește mai departe

12 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview

Uniunea Europeană și cooperarea în zona balcanilor

The Balkans region has inherited a negative connotation from the beginning of the 20th century, first in the Balkanic wars and mostly after the former Yugoslavia’s break up. The new created states were usually referred to as a whole by the Western powers because they had a common past; they were facing the same... citește mai departe

15 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview