Documente publicate de Pompiliu Tofan

Pompiliu Tofan

Pompiliu Tofan

5 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Evoluția și Dezvoltarea Asistenței Sociale în România după 1989

De-a lungul timpului, sub diferite forme, asistenţa socialã a fost prezentã din cele mai vechi timpuri, de la Imperiul Roman, la Evul Mediu, cand bisericile si mãnãstirile ofereau asistenţã celor bolnavi sau nevoiaşi. Primele forme de protecţie socialã au apãrut la începutul secolului 19 şi fãceau referire la mãsuri... citește mai departe

10 pagini 8 puncte Extras Preview

Communism în România 1944-1965

The communist regime played a significant role in the evolution of Romania, with critical influences in Romanian society, politics, economy and development in general. The communist regime that ruled Romania for more then 50 years destroyed much of what existed before it and tried to replace each aspect of the... citește mai departe

16 pagini 7 puncte Extras Preview

Pension Systems

Pension systems are based on three parts. The first is the public pension system, which can be imposed by law or can be a defined benefit. The second pillar represents occupational commissions for pensions, which are usually prior constituted. These pensions are administrated by independent or affiliated pension... citește mai departe

7 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview

Vehicle Insurance în România

Insuring a car is mandatory for all car owners in Romania through the RCA, the civil responsibility insurance for damage produced through car accidents, and thus covering the damage produced by the driver responsible for the accident. By being mandatory for all cars, this is the most important, but not the only form... citește mai departe

8 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview

Marx - Class Struggle and Political Power

Marx, through his theories, has had an important influence over the lives of billions of people throughout the past century, and his theories still have an impact today, considering the number of people still living under a communist regime, regimes that have suffered alterations in time, but still have their roots... citește mai departe

3 pagini Gratis Extras Preview