Documente publicate de Valeria Duma

Valeria Duma

Valeria Duma

2 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Doctrina Fascistă

Conform D.L.R.M., fascismul este definit: s.n. (it. Fascismo, fr. Fascisme) “Ideologie ultrareactionara si miscare politica de extrema dreapta care a instaurat o dictatura anti-democratica, militarista, expansionista si rasista intre cele doua razboaie mondiale”. Pentru a înlatura unele neintelegeri sau dubii... citește mai departe

11 pagini 8 puncte Extras Preview

What Made Me the Person that I Am

Since the beginning of the world, people tried to figure out the meaning of life, the reasons for which they were born, and the complexity of their existence. A part of this vast topic constitutes the “making” of a person. I hardly ever asked myself the question from this paper’s title, but now, as I was invited to,... citește mai departe

3 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview