Documente publicate de Gianina Ciobanu

Gianina Ciobanu

Gianina Ciobanu

5 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

European Business Environement

Introduction More and more frequently you can hear people wondering what is all about with the economic integration and European Union, what these things mean and in what way they are going to influence their lives. In the past, prior to 1950, the term of economic integration was used to refer to almost any area of... citește mai departe

90 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Accounting Practice

WHAT IS ACCOUNTING? Accounting is the process of recording, classifying and summarising financial information collected by bookkeepers for analysis and interpretation. It provides guidance in making business decisions and provides useful economic information to interested parties and users who depend on these... citește mai departe

33 pagini Gratis Extras Preview