Documente publicate de Sorin Niță

Sorin Niță

Sorin Niță

2 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Marketing Direct

Mise en Application : Cas Practique – brief, TP et Présentation des travaux Chapitre 1 : Le MD AU SEIN DE LA DEMARCHE MARKETING Le marketing direct : Définition Le marketing direct: • Des techniques de communication • Hors média (ou presque) • Pour atteindre des cibles sélectionnées • Etablir la relation la... citește mai departe

10 pagini Gratis Cuprins Extras Preview

Exploration of The Parallels Between Modern Physics and Religious Beliefs

Outline THESIS: Classical physics or materialism, destroyed the relationship between science and religion. New physics prove the existence of a creative energy that can be related to God. 1. Quantum physics is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales. Max Planck and Albert... citește mai departe

13 pagini 6 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview