Documente publicate de Lorin-Cedrin Stănescu

Lorin-Cedrin Stănescu

Lorin-Cedrin Stănescu

3 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Trips în the Carpathians în Transylvania

The Romanian Carpathians are included into the Alpino-Carpato-Hymalaian chain. They begin in the north of Bratislava and are ended on Timok Valley. The Carpathians includes also the Romanian Carpathians. They are formed from three independent groups: the Oriental Carpathians (the highest peak is Pietrosu Rodnei –... citește mai departe

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Black Sea coast

The land that stretches between the Danube and the Black sea has had an adventurous history. It was conquered by the Turks in the 14th century and remained as a part of the Ottoman Empire until 1877, when it was given back to Romania as a compensation for losing a part of Moldavia. Beautiful, sandy beaches stretch... citește mai departe

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Circuitul Sufletelor Pereche

ITINERARUL TURISTIC: Bucuresti – Budapesta – Viena – Venetia – Padova - Coasta de Azur – Verona – Salzburg - Praga – Budapesta - Bucuresti DURATA: 10 zile/ autocar PROGRAM TURISTIC pentru un grup de 14- 20 persoane. PREZENTAREA PROGRAMULUI TURISTIC PE ZILE: ZIUA 1: Plecare din Bucuresti( Piata... citește mai departe

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