Documente publicate de Veniamin Roman

Veniamin Roman

Veniamin Roman

6 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

The Financial Crisis and Emerging Markets

Chapter 1. The Financial Crisis 1.1. Introduction The financial crisis which the world is experiencing nowadays has become the worst in the last fifty years. Some analysts consider that its intensity is equivalent to that of the Great Depression of the 1930s. That crisis was the worst of modern times, and... citește mai departe

20 pagini 7 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Be a Coffee - Drinking Individual - Espresso Yourself

Coffee came out in the 19th century and it has become “a must” for the majority of people, 400 billion of cups of coffee being consumed every year in the whole world. The coffee industry is the second largest in the world, after the oil one, and almost 20 million people work in it. The global market coffee is... citește mai departe

17 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Towards a Knowledge-Based Society

INTRODUCTION 1.1. What is a knowledge-based society? According to political and scientific statements, we are living in knowledge-based societies; we are knowledge-based workers; we are working in knowledge-intensive sectors and we are producing knowledge-intensive services. Nowadays we are part of knowledge-based... citește mai departe

16 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Leading the New Economy - E-Commerce

1. Introduction In the context of the emerging new economy, e-commerce has become very often a crucial element of business strategy and the basis for economic development. Relationships within organizations and those between and among organizations and individuals have been changed for the better due to the... citește mai departe

23 pagini 8 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Proiect ciocolată

Introducere Ciocolata reprezintă un produs pentru care populația a prezentat un interes deosebit incă din anii 250 e.n. in ciuda faptului că este considerată de multi a fi un simbol modern al dulciurilor.Astfel pentru a face o diferentiere clară s-a decis alegerea ca temă a studiului de caz produsul... citește mai departe

20 pagini 9 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Piața Iaurtului

1. Prezentarea produsului Date despre produs Iaurtul îşi are originea în Asia sau în Europa de est şi a apărut ca răspuns la nevoia de a conserva laptele peste cele câteva ore care urmau mulsului. Astfel a început aventura descoperirii nenumăratelor avantaje nutriţionale şi medicale pe care le deţine. Iaurtul... citește mai departe

47 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview