Documente publicate de Emilia Gheorghe

Emilia Gheorghe

Emilia Gheorghe

2 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Word and Word Classes

Lecture 1 1 Words and word classes In grammar, we first need to identify the types of grammatical units, such as words and phrases, before describing the internal structure of these units, and how they combine to form larger units. Grammatical units are meaningful elements which combine with each other in a... citește mai departe

10 pagini Gratis Extras Bibliografie Preview

La Theorie de la Traduction

L’interprétation de conférence Marianne Lederer & Danica Seleskovitch – fondatrices de la thèorie interprétative. Sont 3 étapes dans l’interpretation : - comprehension ; - déverbalisation( on oublie les mots, on retient le sens) ; - réexpresion. La traduction de type linguistique -Transcodage ( la traduction qui... citește mai departe

15 pagini Gratis Extras Preview