Documente publicate de Isabela Radu

Isabela Radu

Isabela Radu

2 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Naturalism în Thomas Hardy's Work

It is very obvious that Hardy has an attraction towards the motive of descendants. Perhaps he feels the need to implement roots to the Land of Wessex and attribute to its description and placement a history, a background which gives depth and credibility to his stories. The reader manages to form a broader image and... citește mai departe

13 pagini 7 puncte Extras Preview

Hardy in a era of contrasts

“ The novel is the best equipped vehicle to present the picture of life lived in a given society against a stable background of social and moral values’’ stated David Daiches demonstrating that a novel’s creation is an act of mimesis having as purpose the reconstruction of the world and of life. As people recognize... citește mai departe

11 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview