Documente publicate de Bernard Pricop

Bernard Pricop

Bernard Pricop

3 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive


The last bedraggled fan sloshed out of Max Yasgur's muddy pasture more than 25 years ago. That's when the debate began about Woodstock's historical significance. True believers still call Woodstock the capstone of an era devoted to human advancement. Cynics say it was a fitting, ridiculous end to an era of naivete.... citește mai departe

31 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Endangered Species

In 1988, at a site now inundated by Greers Ferry Lake, peregrine falcons reared their young. Over a century passed before fledgling peregrines returned to Arkansas. In June 1993, an environmental team flew to Minnesota and picked up five fledgling falcons. These birds were given a new home at the Arkansas Power &... citește mai departe

7 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Criza Berlinului

Inaintea primelor conferinte dintre W. Churchill si F.D. Roosevelt din perioada razboiului, o prognoza elaborata de Serviciile Americane de Informatii care se referea la pozitia postbelica a U.R.S.S., concluziona [1]: "Odata cu infrângerea Germaniei, nu va mai exista nici o putere in Europa care sa se opuna fortei... citește mai departe

9 pagini Gratis Extras Preview