Documente publicate de Costin-Valentin Peter

Costin-Valentin Peter

Costin-Valentin Peter

3 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Tourism Specialized Language

Specialized language use of language restricted to a particular topic or field Specialized language = verbal expression of specialized knowledge SL different from GL in: - textual features: highly-codified textual genres; syntax: compact syntactic structure; semantics: distinguishing characteristic Special... citește mai departe

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Tourism Specialized Discourse

Business communication Peter Drucker in his foreword to a book on communications states that poor communications are a direct result of our ignorance. He claims that we do not know: what to say; when to say it; how to say it; or to whom to say it. Business communication (Communications) – definition and... citește mai departe

18 pagini 6 puncte Extras

Turism și industria hotelieră

Marketing is assuming an ever more impotant role given the lack of stability of world markets. The tourism market will never be the same again given the new realisation that terrorism, weather-induced catastrophes and health-related problems can affect generating countries and tourism demand behavior. The turn of... citește mai departe

11 pagini 8 puncte Extras Preview