Engleză 1

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Domeniu: Engleză
Conține 1 fișier: pdf
Pagini : 69 în total
Cuvinte : 18599
Mărime: 449.89KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Leana Muntean
Puncte necesare: 0
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Olga Panzaru

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The ability to compose business correspondence, although a rare marketable skill, is not

an unattainable one. It is not a skill one is born with.

People learn how to write, just as they learn how to read, to type or to operate computers.

But, just like learning to type, learning to write takes work and practice. One gets better at it the

more one writes.

Of all the different kinds of letters, perhaps none are more important for your personal

career than those letters you write to apply for a job. Your curriculum vitae (or resume in

American English), and accompaning letter of application, if well planned and written, can do

much to help you secure the job of your choice.


The curriculum vitae also called resume or data sheet is an outline of all you have to

offer a prospective employer.

It is a presentation of your qualifications, your background, and your experiences,

arranged in such a way as to convince a busines sperson to grant you an interview.

It must look professional and exemplify those traits you want the employer to believe

you possess

It must be typed on business-size band.

It must have overall neat appearance: margins should be wide and balanced. Headings

should stand out and should be parallel. Corrections should be invisible: the finished product

must be perfect.

The information contained on your CV must be accurate, expressed in short phrases,

rather than whole sentences, and complete. It should consist of facts. Nowadays, it is preferable

to keep a resume to one page. This means that you must be efficient in selecting the facts to

include and clever in arranging them. In making these decisions, keep in mind the specific job

for which you are applying.

A curriculum vitae must be factual, objective and brief and it usually contains the

following sections:

• Personal data: name, address, date and place of birth, sex, marital

status,number of children, nationality.

• Employment objective: many career conselors recommend that this be

included and listed first, immediately after your name and address. Mentioning a clearly

defined job goal creates the favorable impression that you are a well-directed, motivated


• Education: list, in reverse chronological order, the schools you have

attended, with names, dates of attendance, and degrees or diplomas awarded.

• Work experience: each job experience should be listed ( again, with the most

recent job first ) with your position or title, employer’s name and address, dates of

employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities.

• Extracurricular activities and Special skills: list anything that might help

you to get the job, any facts that don’t fit under Education or Work Experience, but which

demonstrate an important aspect of your value to an employer (e.g. computer skills,

command of foreign laguages, speed in taking decisions, skills in using high-tech office

tools, communication skills, etc.).

• References: The last section of your CV is a list of those people willing to

vouch for your ability and experience. Former employers and teachers (especially teachers of

job- related courses) are the best references. Each reference should be listed by name,

position or title, business address and telephone number. A minimum of three names is


You need not use all of these sections; use ,of course only those that are most relevant. Also,

the order in which you list the categories is flexible. You may list your strongest sections first,

or you may list first the section that is most relevant to the job in question.

Some companies send application forms which contain more or less the same

information as a CV. In that case it is not necessary to send a separate CV.

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