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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Asist univ.drd. Adriana Lazarescu
Cursuri FEEA anul 2

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Recruitment and training


1. Match the following recruitment terms (1-10) with their definitions (a-j).

1 candidate a document that a candidate completes and sends to a prospective


2 hire b decision-makers who conduct an interview

3 interview c an unfilled job

4 job application d certificates and diplomas that someone has gained

5 qualifications e document which gives information about a persons suitability for a


6 recruitment agency f to choose someone for a job

7 reference g meeting at which someone is asked questions to decide whether they

are suitable for a job

8 selection board h to reduce the applications to a smaller number of candidates, who

are to be invited for interview

9 shortlist i organisation that matches job candidates with employers

10 vacancy j person who applies for a job

2. Marcus Westerberg is a programmer with five years' experience of working for an international bank. He has decided to look for a new job. Put the following stages from his job-hunting process into the correct order. The first one has been done as an example.

a He is invited for interview.

b He identifies a suitable position.

c He waits for the results of the interview.

d He requests a detailed job description.

e He signs a contract of employment.

f Marcus looks through the job ads./.

g He answers the interviewers' questions.

h He is offered the job.

i He discusses the financial package.

j He writes a letter of application.

Complete the crossword.


1 Before you apply for a position, ensure that you satisfy the job. (12)

4 Specialist. is required to do certain jobs. (9)

6 vacancies (8)

8 When the job applications arrive, the first task is to.through them. (4)

9 Recruitment.specialise in finding suitable candidates for vacant positions. (8)

10 special abilities (6)

11 Well-designed job advertisements are good for.the right candidates. (7)


1 people in an organisation who specialise in running job interviews (10)

2 'Only candidates who are suitably.should apply.' (9)

3 'We hope to persuade potential new.that our company is the one to join.' (9)

5 A job.is an Internet site which lists vacant positions. (6)

7 this occurs when there is not enough of something (8)

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