Misogyny - from history to nowadays

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Pagini : 13 în total
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Publicat de: Nae Szekely
Puncte necesare: 7

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Approximately until the end of the 19th century, one of the views that characterised society consisted of considering women as being intellectually and psychologically inferior to men. They were not allowed to participate in the public life – education, politics and they were seen as subject to men, having as main roles taking care of households and bearing children. Nowadays, after continuous “battles”, movements towards gender equality, aiming to change this relationship between men and women, women have gained their inherent position in society. Despite all of these and considering all the progress humanity has made throughout time, even in 2016, when one could easily assume that this type of behaviour disappeared, traces of it can still be found, even in areas as important as politics.

This paper is made up of three chapters. The first part deals with misogyny through history, in religion and in writings belonging to different philosophers. The second chapter contains a presentation of gender equality movements, actions against misogyny, while the third component is represented by a study case on the 2016 presidential elections in the United States, emphasizing the behaviour of the president elected, his platform and the response of the voters towards him and his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

1. Misogyny and gender inequality – historical overview

Misogyny, according to the Oxford dictionary, represents the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. There are numerous ways in which feelings of hating women or expressing the belief that men are better can be manifested, such as sex discrimination, androcentrism, male privileges and violence against women.

This behaviour has been encountered throughout history, in religious writings and traditions and also in the works of various philosophers – from Aristotle to Sigmund Freud (19th century Austrian philosopher) and Oswald Spengler (20th century German philosopher).

In religion, stories such as the one with Adam and Eve promoted the mistrust in women, portraying them as sinful, temptress and guilty of misleading and corrupting the ethical and noble man, which resulted in condemning the whole humanity. Moreover, the idea that Eve was created by God from Adam’s rib supported the view of some that men were superior.

1.1. Aristotle

In his writings “Politics” (Book 1), Aristotle describes the relationship between men and women as subordinated, “the male is by nature superior, and the female inferior, and the one rules and the other is ruled”. In his work, several other misogynistic references can be encountered. He believed that the essence of men stood in commanding, while a woman is solely required to obey orders. In “Generation of Animals” (paragraph 737a), the Greek philosopher highlights his belief that a woman is “as it were a deformed male”, thus incomplete and not as developed.

1.2. Jean Jacque Rousseau

In the case of Jean Jacques Rousseau, many considered that the philosopher portrayed in his work contradictory concepts regarding women.

On one hand, some feminists believe that he did not support the idea of women being restricted by man, having limitations imposed to their freedom, while condemning the unfair treatment women were subject to. Subjects like these were elaborated in this “pro-feminist” writing “About Women” (“Sur les femmes”).

On the other hand, many accused him of misogyny, of promoting gender inequality. Take for instance, “Emile”, writing in which he described methods for educating and shaping children. By creating different chapters – in most of the pages, he presented means of educating boys and in the fifth chapter he brought up the subject of female education, Rousseau underlines the gap between genders (mostly, based on different needs). Moreover, the philosopher showed a male-centred rationale, illustrating women only in relation to the needs of men – “woman is specifically made for man’s delight, […], woman is made to please and to be in subjection to man”.


1. Aristotle, “Politics” (Book 1)

2. Aristotle, “Generation of Animals” (paragraph 737a)

3. Jean Jacque Rousseau – “Sur les femmes”

4. Friedrich Nietzsche, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”

5. Friedrich Nietzsche, “Ecce Homo”

6. Friedrich Nietzsche, “Beyond Good and Evil”

7. Smith, Nicholas D., “Plato and Aristotle on the Nature of Women. Journal of the History of Philosophy”

8. United Nations. Report of the Economic and Social Council for 1997 "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" United Nations. December 16, 1948

9. The Huffington Post

10. New York Times Magazine

11. Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers, "Committee of Ministers - Gender Equality Commission (GEC) - Gender Equality Strategy 2014-2017”

12. "Maternal health - UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund”

13. Women's movements of the world: an international directory and reference guide, edited by Sally Shreir

14. "Gender equality - UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund”

15. "Explanatory Report to the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence”

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