Microsoft Corporation

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Publicat de: Dan Lungu
Puncte necesare: 8
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Caradima Oana
Universitatea Bucuresti


  1. 1. History
  2. 1.1 1975–1985: Founding
  3. 1.2 1985–1995: OS/2 and Windows
  4. 1.3 1995–2005: Internet and legal issues
  5. 1.4 2006–present: Vista and other transitions
  6. 2. Product divisions
  7. 2.1 Platform Products and Services Division
  8. 2.2 Business Division
  9. 2.3 Entertainment and Devices Division
  10. 3. Business culture
  11. 4. User culture
  12. 5. Corporate affairs
  13. 5.1 Corporate structure
  14. 5.2 Stock
  15. 5.3 Diversity
  16. 5.4 Logos and slogans
  17. 6. Criticism
  18. 6.1 Corporate
  19. 6.2 Products

Extras din proiect

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) (SEHK: 4338), or often just MS, is an American multinational computer technology corporation with 79,000 employees in 102 countries and global annual revenue of US $51.12 billion as of 2007. It develops, manufactures, licenses and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA, its best selling products are the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software. These products have prominent positions in the desktop computer market, with market share estimates as high as 90% or more as of 2003 for Microsoft Office and 2006 for Microsoft Windows. One of Bill Gates' key visions is "to get a workstation running our software onto every desk and eventually in every home".

Founded to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800, Microsoft rose to dominate the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s. The company released an initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, which, due to the ensuing rise of the stock price, has made four billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft employees. Throughout its history the company has been the target of criticism for various reasons, including monopolistic business practices—both the U.S. Justice Department and the European Commission, among others, brought Microsoft to court for antitrust violations and software bundling.

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  • Microsoft Corporation.ppt

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