Test de engleză 3

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Part Three: Gapped Text

You are going to read a magazine article about a trip to Australia. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article on the left. Choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A-H on the right for each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning.

Trip to Australia

The noise of the engines changed, became louder. After a slow, 36-hour flight from England to Australia, we were about to land. I looked at Maureen, my teenage dauighter, sitting beside me, and gave her what I hoped was a reassuring grin.

0 H

I was about to see my elder sister Sheila, who had gone to live in Australia 13 years previously, for the first time in as many years. Since she left England, we had all but lost touch. Now, in just a few minutes, I was going to see her. The plane dipped lower. I could see a sunlit field below, with a small building to the side. The plane touched the ground.


And then, we were in the airport building. My sister stood there, instantly recognisable, and we gave each other a hug. At last, I knew that I'd done the right thing in going, that it had been worth all the saving, all the organising.


She sent our mother a plane ticket, so they could spend Christmas together. On New Year's Day, while my mother was there, I plucked up the courage to phone. It was the first time Sheila and I had spoken in eleven years.


I'd never even left Europe before. The first thing I had to do was save. So I put a small amount away each month and over eleven months it built up into a tidy sum, enough for me and my daughter to spend a month in Australia.


Having done that, we chose an inexpensive Far Eastern airline, which stopped off at about five places. But we didn't mind that particularly - we were going to see the world. We started our journey on a Sunday evening. We arrived in Australia on Wednesday, towards noon.


'Does it feel foreign?' Sheila kept asking, as she showed me around her home. It was very Australian - single storey, with a family sitting room in the cellar. But it didn't strike me as foreign - I felt at home there.


When she got itchy feet after going to Australia, she saved for her own adventure. She's currently travelling round the world, and she's just been staying with her Aunt Sheila. The family link carries on.

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