Mihai Eminescu

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Publicat de: Sorin Șerban
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Andrei Florin Sorin

Extras din proiect

Agenda Slide

Mihai Eminescu- Introduction to the life and literary work of the last European romantic

Discovering Eminescu

Eminescu’s Life

Literary Work

The Poet

The Storyteller

Eminescu within Romanian Culture

Eminescu within Universal Literature

Seen by others

Today - A Romanian Icon

- Mihai Eminescu- Introduction to - the life and literary work- of the last European romantic


"Days go past and days come still  - All is old and all is new,  - What is well and what is ill,  - You imagine and construe;  - Do not hope and do not fear,  - Waves that leap like waves must fall;  - Should they praise or should they jeer,  - Look but coldly on it all".  - - -

Discovering Eminescu

Eminescu’s Life

on 15th of January, in Botosani,

a North Eastern town of Romania,

the future poet Mihai Eminescu is born as the 7th of 11 children

his parents were small land owners

Eminescu’s Life-


the future poet spends his childhood in Ipotesti,

a village where his parents had a small estate,

8 km away from Botosani

today, here we can find Mihai Eminescu Memorial House

Eminescu’s Life

1858-186 0

registered to National School in Cernauti

here he attends the courses of the 3rd and 4th form,

and finished 4th grade as the fifth of 82 students

186 0-1863

he attends Gymnasium in Cernauti,

courses of the 1st and 2nd form, repeating the latter

Eminescu’s Life


he works for a short time as a clerk to Law Court in BotosanI


comes back to Cernauti gymnasium as a private pupil

he takes up lodgings with Aron Pumnul, his gymnasium teacher, a great linguist, philologist and owner of a large library


in January, Aron Pumnul dies

Eminescu’s Life


he joins as a prompter and copyist into a theatre group, with which he travels all over the country


settled in Bucharest, he meets I. L. Caragiale, the greatest Romanian playwright

Eminescu’s Life


he registers at the Faculty of Philosophy, Vienna University

here he meets Veronica Micle, a poetess, whom he will have a passionate and troubled relationship with


he attends Philosophy, History, Economy and Law courses of Berlin University

Eminescu’s Life-


he is appointed director of the Central Library in Iasi


takes good care of the Central Library in Iasi and he is appointed a school inspector

he meets Ion Creanga, whom he advises to write

the latter will become one of the greatest Romanian storyteller

and his best friend

Eminescu’s Life-


has public lectures at Junimea Society and Literary Talks periodical


continues his journalistic activity with Iasi Messenger, writes theatre chronicles and attends the meetings of Junimea society

in the second half of October, he moves to Bucharest, where he works as an editor to The Time newspaper


works at The Time newspaper

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