Plan de lecție engleză - Who is afraid of the big bad wolf

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Domeniu: Pedagogie
Conține 1 fișier: docx
Pagini : 4 în total
Cuvinte : 496
Mărime: 14.28KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Ioanina Oros
Puncte necesare: 0
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: D. Mihaela
Plan de lectie

Extras din proiect

DATE: 21st, November 2017

SCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala nr.31




COURSEBOOK: Magic English, editura EDU

UNIT: Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

LESSON: Piggy’s farm

TYPE OF LESSON: listening , vocabulary practice , reading, speaking

MATERIALS/RESOURCES: flashcards, video projector, CD, textbook, worksheets, youtube sites

COMPETENCES: 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1,2.3,3.1

AIMS: 1. To learn farm animals

2. To practise newly introduced vocabulary structures

3. To create interest to the topic

4. To learn animal noises: quack, moo, miaow, woof, neigh,etc

Stages of lesson Timing Interaction Competences Teacher does Students do Observations

Warm up 3 min T-Ss 1.1 Teacher asks each student with the help of Duffy( a puppet) „How are you today...?” Students come up with answers they acquired previously

Lead in

(Introducing new vocabulary) 3 min T-Ss 1.2

1.3 Teacher shows some pictures of animals.Pupils repeat in chorus and then in groups, then places the flashcards (picture side) on the board and elicits the new animal names again, and then turns the flashcards word side. Students repeat chorally and in groups

Listen and point 3 min T-Ss

Individual work 2.3 - Teacher invites students to open their books on page 28 and explains the task to the students

- Teacher plays the video twice without pausing

- Teacher monitorizes

- Students watch the short video

- Students repeat chorally

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Plan de lecție engleză - Who is afraid of the big bad wolf - Pagina 3
Plan de lecție engleză - Who is afraid of the big bad wolf - Pagina 4

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  • Plan de lectie engleza - Who is afraid of the big bad wolf.docx

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