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Publicat de: Mihaela Popovici
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  2. I. Location 3
  3. II. Transportation to and from the place 3
  4. III. Climate 4
  5. IV. Accommodation 4
  6. V. Local attractions 5
  7. VI. Local food 11
  8. VII. Transport within the place 13
  9. VIII. The price and value for money 13
  10. IX. Key selling points 13
  11. X. Circuit 14

Extras din proiect

I. Location

Location: south-eastern Romania, between the Danube and the Black Sea

Dobrogea is a special and unique territory where Europe’s youngest land and the world’s third highest biodiversity area, the Danube Delta, coexist with some of the oldest mountains of the continent, Macinului Mountains. The natural landscape is completed by the shore of the Black Sea where antic history left its traces under the form of Greek colonies ruins.

Short history

During the Antiquity, the Greeks built colonies here, encouraged by the key position of the Black Sea on the commercial routes of the time. After that, Dobrogea was part of the Roman and Byzantine Empires and of the Bulgarian medieval state. The province was incorporated to the Southern Romanian country, Wallachia, only for a short time during medieval times before being ruled for more than 400 years by the Ottoman Empire. In 1878, after winning its independence, the young Romanian state takes back Dobrogea and the area starts developing around the main port of the country, Constanta.

Cultural diversity

By the nature of its history, Dobrogea became one of the most multicultural parts of Romania, at least until the middle of the 20-th century. In 1930, 44,2% of the population was Romanian, 22,8% Bulgarian, 18,5% Turks, 2,7% Tatars, 3,4% Germans and to a lesser extent Germans, Greeks and other people of Western and Eastern Europe. At the time, Dobrogea was one of the most multicultural spaces of the continent, with a diversity of languages, religions and customs.

II. Transportation to and from the place

By air: Major airport located in: Constanta (CND)

Nearest airports located in: Bucharest – 142 miles away

By train: Main train stations: Constanta, Mangalia, Tulcea.

Daily trains connect Constanta, Mangalia and Tulcea to Bucharest.

Trains also depart daily to the resorts located on the Black Sea Coast.

Road access: Border crossing points in the Dobrogea region from Bulgaria into

Romania include: Vama Veche, Negru Voda, Ostrov.

III. Climate

Most of Dobrogea is arid climate with high average temperatures (10º-11ºC), high summer temperatures (22º-23ºC), low precipitation (at around 400mm/anual), tropical days and frequent droughts; beat frequently chill wind, frosty winter and dry summer. Towards the coast there is a climate with sea influences, moderate heat, daytime breezes and strong heatstroke.

Influence of growth is relatively low altitude. At altitudes above 300m (in Northern Dobrogea) there is a climate of low hills with a lower average temperature (9º-10ºC) and precipitation richer (500-600mm/anual).

The average temperature of the coldest month (January) is the largest stretch-1º - 2ºC, but in the south-east (Mangalia) is positive: this area near Mangalia is therefore warmest winter region.

IV. Accommodation

Visitors will find a vast selection of hotels in Doborogea available to suit every taste and budget. The accommodation in Dobrogea ranges from the most luxurious hotels and large chains to small guest houses, rich in old-fashioned ambience and most of them are cheaper that you might think.

In Dobrogea there are aprox 700 accommodations and offers a variety of accommodation types , even for a lower budget . Hostels are a more than affordable and it's important to know that they have evolved from being a " youth hostels " with large rooms filled with bunk beds , shared bathrooms and rules. Today you can find in Dobrogea hostels with double rooms , modern facilities and friendly staff. Moreover, increasingly more hostels recive families or elderly who want to socialize with strangers and enjoy a friendly atmosphere.

Do not expect to find hostels in the center of Dobrogea , close to the main attractions , but it's good to know that most are located near the city where you can reach a maximum of half an hour at most places you want to visit.

Among the leading hotels in Dobrogea include: Laguna Beach Hotel, Vita Park Hotel, Flamingo Grand Hotel, Iaki Hotel, Hotel Europa, Hotel PrimaSol Ralitsa Superior, Hotel Magnolia, Hotel Tomis, Hotel Ambasador, Hotel Majestic Mamaia and more.

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