Privacy, security, integrity and freshness data in stabilization-tracking and control systems of weather phenomena

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Publicat de: Ioan Porumb
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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Liviu Miclea
Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare
Universitatea Tehnica, Cluj-Napoca
Conferința AQTR 2012 , UTCN Cluj-Napoca , sesion/ID P1/89

Extras din referat

Abstract - This paper presents protocols and methods for

ensuring the confidentiality, security, data integrity and

freshness of the data that circulate between command and

control systems units that can be arranged in a Romanian

national anti-hail system.

Keywords - anti-hail, hail fighting, hail, data security, hail

combat units.


The distribution process means a process that takes place

over a large geographical area, adjustment and control

parameters are interdependent and distributed over the same

geographic area. If the process is critical (security, fire

protection, banks, chemical plants, high hazard , nuclear

reactors, weather command and control etc) one might

question the confidentiality, security, data integrity and

freshness so that an intruder can not intercept them, interpret

or alter the production of major events or catastrophes.

Given the current technological development, the question

of control and influence of the meteorological phenomena’s

in both military purpose and useful purposes such as anti-hail

protection, provoking rain for a peaceful purpose. In his

paper Geophysical War [1] col. dr (r) Emil Streinu presents

some of the systems and research centers in the

meteorological domain. One is located in the northern U.S. at

400 km distance from Anchorage, at the Gakhona military

base. A huge field of tundra is planted with a forest of

antennas of 25 m height generically called HAARP (High

Frequency Active Aurora Research Program). The base is

surrounded by barbed wire, the perimeter is guarded by

armed patrols of Marines and air space above the research

base is closed to all civilian and military aircraft. In response,

in Russia there is a similar complex "Sura" which is

comparable, in terms of capacity with the current HAARP

and is within the central area, in places hidden at a distance

of 150 km from Nizhnii Novgorod. "Sura" belongs in the

Radiophysics Research Institute where, among other things,

once worked the former scientist and current politician, Boris

Nemtov. "Today, in the world, there are only three such

objectives," says institute director Sergei Sneghiriov. "One in

Alaska, second, in Norway at Tromso, and the third - in


In the field of civil concerns fall on the anti-hail

protection, starting with sonic cannons, weather balloons and

finishing with anti-hail rockets and with rain provoking


From historical point of view the first artificial rain was

provoked in Bucharest in 1931 by researcher Stefania

Maracineanu. Thanks to the data obtained by Stefania

Maracineanu, she obtained support from the French

government and she repeated these experiments in 1934 in

Algeria, being crowned in succes. The next research in this

area did not continued until after the Second World War,

when in 1946, Vincent J. Shaefer American engineer did an

experiment on Mount Washington. Here, in this day heavy

clouds where forming over the mountain. He scattered from

plane at the base of the cloud, carbonic ice, which gave rise

to a heavy rain. The first artificial rain for military purposes

was caused in 1963 by the U.S. Army in Vietnam, and in

1966 the Americans provoked torrential rains with disastrous

consequences for the provinces of northern Laos. Comparing

the effects of the known weapons with those of the

Geophysical War especially over the living force, it appears

that huge damage can be done; this can be use in a secret

war, are stronger than the known weapons and is due to

human capacity to know, manage and control the natural

phenomena of our planet. Now Geophysical War presents

perspectives as possible, but with the mention that such a

conflict in the notion of winners and losers might be

mistaken, but are able to distinguish between military and

civilian victims, between aggression and attack, which

emphasizes the fact that scientists can be used in this domain.

A try with unexpected effects occurred in China in spring of

2000. Chinese researchers, launched in the atmosphere in a

arid region, several rockets with silver iodide in order to

obtain rain. Independently from into account all

environmental factors of the area, Chinese scientists found

themselves in a very short period of time in that area with

heavy snow. Research to date have been made by small

isolated groups which had a short life due to economic

conditions or market demand for equipment, unable to

benefit from experiences and previous research. Except are

perhaps the military research, where in the same time with

the climate disasters there should exists methods and means

to combat this effects, but obviously this are not available to

the public.

All the achievements to date have been and are built to

protect limited objectives (car parks, solar collectors and

wind turbines fields, farms) without taking into account

global protection through a unique system-wide coordination

unit, at local area at least. The beneficiaries are very satisfied

by the investment they made.


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