Books Make a Difference

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We learn to read at age of seven. From than we continue to explore more and more the mysteries and the adventures that books offers. When we first see a book, we look at the cover. Sometimes we figure out the subject of the book by looking at the cover. Othertimes the title and the cover are so abstract that we must read the etire book to realize what the author want to express. One thing is for sure: books can surprise you in many ways!

A good book has the gift to move its readers through a series of feelings and emotions, which culminates with a general feeling of satisfaction. Even parents feels confortable when they see their children reading.

Why Are Books Important?

It is how we discover new things. Reading is vital in developing a good self image.Being able to read is a crucial skill in being able to function in today's society. It is important because it develops the mind and develops the imagination. A person who knows how to read can educate themselves in any

area of life they are interested in. Non readers or poor readers often have low opinions

of themselves and their abilities.

They feel isolated and behaviour

problems can surface. As we live

in an age overflowing

with information, reading

is the main way to take

advantage of it.

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