Central Park, New York

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Publicat de: Narcisa Oltean
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Extras din referat

Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York City.

The park initially opened in 1857, on 843 acres of city-owned land.

Designed by Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmsted, Central Park is home to a lot of attractions spread throughout its 843 acres of landscape.

The landmarks nestled in the park are various; visitors can find everything from:

sprawling waters and green meadows to stunning bridges,

performance centers,

educational facilities,

gardens and even classical architecture. 

There is a story behind every attraction in the park that is loaded with fascinating history.

Belvedere Castle is a fully functional weather station. Since 1919, the National Weather Service has take measurements from the castle's tower with the aid of scientific instruments that measure wind speed and direction.

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