E-Learning - Distance Education

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Publicat de: David Timiș
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A brief definition, but should be concise that e-learning word that could translate as electronic learning (e-learning), means the acquisition of knowledge and / or the formation of skills through technology and by using computer and the Internet. Achieving learning is calling on courses on digital media (CD, DVD) or on-line courses (internet).

Distance learning is a flexible form of education that offers students the opportunity to manage their own process of learning programs merged in the educational institution organizer. Taking advantage of a flexible learning process, students theoretically can enroll regardless of schedule or age.

A system of e-learning (training distance education or virtual) is a planned experience of teaching, organized by an institution providing mediated materials in a sequential order and logic to be assimilated by the students in their own manner. Mediation is done through various ways, the material on diskette or CD (possibly by mail), the technology for transmitting content via the Internet. There are both the distribution of materials, and channel of communication between the actors involved. Functional yet only at the higher education and adult education, the training via the Internet line and adapt the traditional teaching approach / face-to-face: planning, specific content and methodology, interaction, support and evaluation.

Distance learning is a form of modern education, used successfully in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, which provides training for a wide range of participants, coming from a variety of areas. A recent report shows that a significant number of managers refine their professional skills, and courses using distance learning techniques, and it has an upward trend continues. Also, distance learning helps students learn how to learn in a modern, under the logo and data communications and encourages the study to look like a continuous process - it is in fact an important lesson for all

In a general approach, distance learning can be defined as a study carried out "far" from the source of learning. Training materials and self are usually accompanied by some facilities to students, which may include:

- access to a mentor (consultant) for the coordination of learning and assimilation of knowledge through assessment tests;

- administrative and logistical support-information from a particular department, ensuring the preparation and conduct of the interface with teachers.

Distance learning provides students a flexible course, the accumulation of knowledge and depth, with a range of features such as:

- the specific study materials;

- questions of valuation and control issues at the end of each session of study;

- support of a tutor (the consultant) modular course.

Distance learning has been specifically designed to take into account a number of social factors, educational and psychological, which is in play when the students opting for this form of training, with additional facilities that help to deepen knowledge.

Distance learning is a priority based on personal motivation learner, whether in:

- setting targets positive, realistic, to create the feeling of achieving.

- defining a way to work with study materials, not against them.

- acquiring the idea that learning is an evolutionary process.

Target audience to whom it is addressed this form of education include:

- of college graduates in other fields than economic (technical, legal, etc.);

- those who are involved in a business and can not follow courses with presence on campus;

- high school graduates with baccalaureate diploma;

- people who are in the process of retraining.

Advantages and disadvantages of the training of

distance education

An analysis based on the priorities of this training highlights a number of advantages and disadvantages compared to classical education.


1. The time spent traveling to the place of teaching can be devoted to the study;

2. Possibility degree of understanding and progress without the need pending scores obtained in the work and issues of control;

3. Is primarily intended for people who - for various reasons - can not attend the classes taking place in education agenda;

4. Adult chance offered as IDD it will not interrupt their work;

5. The opportunity to obtain a qualification in a field, other variations may be impossible;

6. Audience is considerably increased, distance learning and may include students who can not attend classes in traditional system;

7. Access to local networks, regional and national connects students from different social, cultural, economic, and varied experiences;

8. It facilitated learning in a proper rhythm, in a fashion, through hearings or courses can be done gradually and repeatedly. Computers încorporeaza various software packages extremely flexible, the student with a maximum control of information content;

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