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Publicat de: Elisabeta Trandafir
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Extras din referat

Geographical location

Kenya is a country in East Africa and is bordered by Indian Ocean to its south-east, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, South Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the north-east.

Kenya`s capital is Nairobi and also its largest city.

The country is named after Mount Kenya, a significant landmark and second among Africa's highest mountain peaks.

The offical languages spoken in Kenya are: Swahili and English.


Kenya has 580,000 km2 and lies on the Equator.

The land stretches from the sea level (Indian Ocean) in the east, to 5,199 meters at the peak of the snow-capped Mount Kenya.

The highlands are bisected by the Great Rift Valley and in the east lies a fertile plateau.

The Kenyan Highlands includes one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa.

Mt. Kenya

The highlands are the site of the highest point in Kenya (and the second highest in Africa): Mount Kenya, which reaches 5,199 m and is the site of glaciers. It is an amazing sight and is a fascinating world of forests, wildlife, unique mountain vegetation and equatorial snow.

Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) can be seen from Kenya to the South of the Tanzanian border.

Mt. Kilimanjaro

At Kenya’s Western frontier lies Lake Victoria.

The lake is the heart of the African continent, the source of its powerful river, the Nile.

Fishing brings many visitors to this lake, mainly in search of the Nile Perch, considered a world class game fish.

Lake Victoria


Kenya is generally a dry country.

Kenya's climate varies from tropical along the coast, to temperate inland, to arid in the north and northeast parts of the country.

Over 75% of its area is arid or semi-arid and only around 20% being viable for agriculture.

Kenya receives a great deal of sunshine all the year round, and summer clothes are worn throughout the year.

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