The training process - a case study on ING Bank

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Publicat de: Veronica Ardelean
Puncte necesare: 6


  1. 1. Introduction 2
  2. 1.1. Definition 2
  3. 1.2. History 2
  4. 1.2.1. Antiquity 2
  5. 1.2.2. The middle ages: apprenticeship 2
  6. 1.2.3. The industrial revolution: The classroom 3
  7. 1.2.4. After World War II: Individualized instruction 3
  8. 1.2.5. Modern types of individualized instruction 3
  9. 2. Description of the company 3
  10. 3. The training process in ING Bank 4
  11. 3.1. Support on the job 4
  12. 3.2. A standard / open offer 4
  13. 3.3. Training paths 5
  14. 3.3.1. Welcome@ING 5
  15. 3.3.2. Specific training for the branch network 5
  16. 3.4. E-learning 5
  17. 4. Critical analyze of the training process applied within ING Bank 5
  18. 5. Personal recommendation for possible improvements 5
  19. 6. Conclusions 5
  20. 7. References 5
  21. 8. Appendix 5

Extras din referat

1. Introduction

1.1. Definition

“Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency capability and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge understanding and skills relevant to his job satisfaction.”(Dr. R.K Samanta , 1993 p.1)

“Training is a means of communicating new knowledge and skills and changing attitude. It can raise awareness and provide people with the opportunity to explore their existing knowledge and skills” (Healthlink Worldwide). However one would define training, it is clear that it represents a core process in the healthy and thriving development of an organization.

1.2. History

Ever since antiquity, the human kind has been subject to training. Whether the parents prepared their children for the adult life, the mothers teaching their daughters how to prepare a meal and other household chores, or fathers teaching the young boys how to hunt, it was all a training process. In time, through research and actual work, this process has developed and improved, being subject to new methods and concepts. Below, we present a short history of training.

1.2.1. Antiquity

On the job training, sometimes called direct instruction, is the earliest kind of training. In antiquity, the kind of work that people did was mainly unskilled or semiskilled work not requiring specialized knowledge.

1.2.2. The middle ages: apprenticeship

Although apprenticeships had begun much earlier, they became more widespread during the Middle Ages.

1.2.3. The industrial revolution: The classroom

It wasn't until the Industrial Revolution that training changed much from on the job and apprenticeship. In the 1800s factory schools were created, in which workers were trained in classrooms within the factory walls.

1.2.4. After World War II: Individualized instruction

During World War II training departments had become established in many companies. Business was booming as the world rebuilt itself. Companies wanted their workers trained, but as usual they wanted a more efficient, less expensive method of training. Individualized instruction in essence replaces the teacher with systematic or programmed materials.

1.2.5. Modern types of individualized instruction

Individualized instruction is the basis for computer-based training, which is used extensively in many companies today. Computer-based training (CBT) provides individualized instruction via the medium of computers. (Alpert Sleight, 1993)

2. Description of the company

ING Group is a financial institution of Dutch origin offering banking, insurance and asset management services. The name is an abbreviation of Internationale Nederlanden Groep (International Netherlands Group). As of 2009, ING Group serves 85 million private, corporate and institutional clients in over 40 countries, with a workforce of over 100,000 people. It owns ING Direct as well as retail banking, insurance, investment management, and investment banking operations. ING is the largest banking/financial company in the world by revenue 48.19 billion euro in 2009. Its headquarters are in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The bank was founded in 1991 and in 1994 entered the Romanian financial market. ING Bank is active through three Business Lines: Retail Banking, ING Direct and Commercial Banking (formerly Wholesale Banking).

ING's Commercial Banking business was strengthened in 1995, when ING took over Barings Bank. This acquisition increased the brand recognition of ING around the world and strengthened its Commercial Banking presence in the emerging markets. ING offers a range of products including Checking accounts, Savings accounts, Business accounts, Mutual funds, and Mortgages.

ING Commercial Banking conducts operations for corporations and other institutions. The primary focus of ING’s Commercial banking business is on the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Romania, where it offers a full range of products, from cash management to corporate finance. Elsewhere, it takes a more selective approach to clients and products.

“ING aims to deliver its financial products and services in the way its customers want them delivered: with exemplary service, convenience and at competitive prices. This is reflected in our mission statement: to set the standard in helping our customers manage their financial future”.(ING’s Officials)

ING’s internal environment is formed of resources such as: human resources, physical resources, like company’s headquarters’ infrastructure, location. It’s located in the business district of Zuidas in Amsterdam. As for the intangible we have human resources employees considered as integrators of non-physical properties as: experience, skills and so on, information skills, legal properties: patents, copy-rights and trade-marks and of course reputation, company name, brands for different products and services. Here we can include the company’s logo, spelling of the abbreviation and the lion.

3. The training process in ING Bank

ING attaches great importance to the development of its staff. Training, improvement, exercises, knowledge development, etc. are not temporary undertakings; they are part of a pro-active strategy to support the company’s operations.

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