Marketing Plan

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Name of company: Soft Cream

Address: Hincesti, str. Ismail 106/2 bl.2

Activity: producing creamy butter

About Company

At present the factory produce tons of milk and others milk products. Increase prices for production in this connection there is a slump in production grow.

Soft Cream is planned to begin produce chocolate butter. Chocolate butter will find the consumer because it has vitamins, animal fats are partially replaced on vegetative, it has traditional pleasant taste.

Chocolate butter will be made on a line on manufacture of a creamy butter. Therefore chocolate butter will be much cheaper, than at competitors. It will be packed as on already existing line on packing a butter. Therefore butter will be much cheaper, than at competitors, it is beautiful and is conveniently packed. It should draw to itself attention.

The enterprise should not select workers for work on a line on manufacture of chocolate butter since they already are at the enterprise and work on a line on manufacture of a creamy butter. This line is loaded only on 20 % therefore on it is possible to make other butter with use of the same workers.

New butter to taste is as much as possible approached to traditional creamy chocolate butter and as does not concede to it on stability storage. Possesses high nutritious and biological value.

Butter will be packed up in the beautiful and convenient small container on 250 and 150 gram. The container is executed from white plastic (for safety of a product from air).

New chocolate butter should like consumers because has traditional habitual taste. This butter is irreplaceable at preparation of sweet sandwiches and pies.

Potencial consumers

It is supposed, that consumers become children and people loving sweet. The norm of consumption of a butter on one person makes 5,5 kg. Even if to consider, that in a year the person will eat 1 kg. Butter on sweet sandwiches and in pies, and potential consumers in the city of Hincesti 500.000 person already it will turn out 500 t.

Potential market capacity:

500.000*1 kg. = 500.000 kg. = 500 t. The market of the city of Hincesti can contain butters.

600 * 600 = 360.000 kg. Butters in a year will be made with a factory.

Reserves of growth: 500 - 360 = 140 t. Butters in a year.

It is obvious, that there are the factors constraining solvent demand for chocolate butter. Major factors are the high prices for really qualitative and tasty chocolate butter; the population has not got used yet to such product and there is no its advertising. After carrying out of advertising it is planned to increase manufacture by 11 % due to own consumers and due to consumers of regional cities. As in nearby cities do not develop chocolate butter.

Then the new volume of produce of butter in a year it will make:

666 kg. * 600 = 399600 kg. = 399,6 t. In a year.

Reserves of growth: 500 - 399,6 = 100,4 t. Butters in a year.

Thus, potential unsatisfied solvent demand can be satisfied only by production of combining 2 irreconcilable properties: high quality at rather not to the high price of realization.

Analyzing the tendencies existing in the market of dessert butter it is possible to predict, that the reached sales volume essentially will not increase.

Butter of the local manufacturer is calculated basically, on the consumer, having undemanding taste: as a rule this population with an average and below an average a level of the income. The need of this segment of the market already practically is completely satisfied.

The existing volume of import also completely satisfies needs of the population, first of all with a level of incomes above an average.

Thus, the satisfaction of an available scarce demand is possible probably only in case of high quality of let out production and an establishment of a price level comprehensible to the average consumer, as is the basic priorities in marketing.

Strategy of marketing.

Chocolate butter - soft, gentle butter of dessert purpose. It possesses pleasant strongly pronounced taste of creamy chocolate. For buyers Cream Soft has provided following actions to provide to buyers the maximal convenience:

- Butter will be packed up in plastic containers on 150 and 250 gram. Packing is made at the enterprise. Secondary packing represents cardboard boxes also let out on Cream Soft

- Working life of a product under condition of its storage at temperature 0-8 0С and a dark place - more than 6 months. Considering, that is far not at all wholesale buyers there is an opportunity for long storage of butter, Cream Soft assumes to release production both large by the gross, and finely wholesale parties, using thus own ample opportunities on its storage.

- Supply of the goods will be made at any time immediately after the fact of an advance payment. Realities of modern Moldovan economy are those, that supply is on credit practically impossible because of very high risk of irrevocability of payments. However, for constants, years of checked up trading partners Cream Soft stipulates an opportunity of supply of the goods on realization (payment for the goods will be it made after the fact of its realization). At will of buyers delivery can be carried out by transport of the seller at what, at purchase of more than 5 tone delivery will be made free of charge.

- The goods are planned to distribute both through wholesale intermediaries, and through own shops. For attraction of buyers it is necessary to lead the large-scale advertising company in scales of area. Cream Soft plans to use following channels of distribution of advertising:

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