Activități de speaking

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1. What is a corporate strategy document and what subjects would you expect to find in it? What does HR strategy refer to? Do you consider that linking HR strategy to the corporate strategy is important? Bring arguments to support your point of view.

A corporate strategy document is a formal written document, covering several pages in which you find the purpose of the company, where is it going and what does it want to achieve. However, a strategy document could also be oral.

The topics contained in a strategy document are the following : the mission statement,company objectives, business objectives, projects , and plans for completing the objectives.

HR strategy refers to the role of HR department,its key priorities and objectives,and describe how these will be achivied.

Linking the HR stertegy to the corporte strategy is important because the HR plans needs to respond and meet the large (main) business objectives of the company

The corporate strategy is linked to HR because it allows the company to progress towards its objectives. This gives a boost and keeps the amplification of the busy market segment.

Corporate strategy has an important role in the field of HR because it ensures the organization a sustainable development and stable profits over a long period of time. The strategy is future oriented but practiced in the present and maintains long term competitive advantages.

2. Present 3 different approaches that can be used when creating an HR strategy.Provide a definition for each approach presented and one advantage and one disadvantages for each approach.

Three different approaches that can be used when creating an HR strategy is personnel,performance management and continous improvement ,if the company wants to be modern and progresive.

Personnel means the focus is placed on providing traditional, transactional HR functions such as payroll, and recruitment and selection.

Performance management means HR encourages a performance culture by measuring results and building skills.

Continous improvement means HR is seen as part of an overall quality management system

The advantages of personnel are the following: strong management of central function,easy to manage and operate

The disadvantages of personnel are the folowing: limited influence,HR may be seen as self-serving bureaucracy

The advantage of performance management are the folowing : creates greater ownership among managers,HR plays an important role in developing performance management systems

The disadvantages of performance management are the following : performance culture needs to have high level support to work,there is a posibility of a employee resistance

The advantages of continuos improvement are the following :increased perception of HR as being as being business focused ,HR provides quality management tools for managers

The disadvantages of continuos improvement are the folowing : to work organisation needs a total quality management culture and may spend too much time measuring and report

3. What topics could be included as part of an HR strategy document? Name 4 and bring arguments to support each choice.

When we create a HR strategy document we must include the folowing :the introduction ,the context ,the HR vision and mission ,the purpose,key deliverables ( the most important things that results from action) and implementation and monitoring. I think that the most four important topics could be :

- The HR vision and mission - the vision describes an imagined picture of the future ,and the mission describes the HR department main purpose for existing (ex. To work in partnership to provide HR excellence)

- The introduction where we have the aim of the Hr strategy -to support the company strategy by relising key deliverables trough HR services and action

- The purpouse could contain important key elements like :strategic actions ,service delivery,employee commitment,changes

- Implemenation and monitoring is important because refers to the effectiveness of the introduction and the impact of the strategy..The board wiil check and aprove the HR strategy document

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