Buying and Selling Houses

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Publicat de: David Alexa
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There are over a million houses for sale in the market today. Buying a house is a major commitment. There are many things to consider when looking for a house to buy. Don't take the risk if you are not sure how to buy without a realtor. A realtor is a professional who is well trained in the real estate industry. Their services can be a big help in the entire home buying process. Ask any realtor and they'll tell you: houses that sell within the first five weeks of their listing are most likely to fetch their asking price. The longer your house lingers on the real estate listings, the more pressure you'll feel to knock the price down - and the less likely it is to sell without some incentives from you, the home seller. Are agents who will offer you a discount if you sell and buy a home through their agency. Real estate agents who refuse to discount fees likely believe the two transactions are separate from each other. They entail the same amount of work, whether the seller and buyer are the same person or two different and unrelated individuals. Even if you don't have to sell your house fast, it's the best way of getting the price that you want for it.

I find that most sellers cart around long laundry lists of things to do before closing the sale of a home, and it's common for them to feel overwhelmed and stressed. From scheduling movers, enrolling children in new schools, packing valuables and transferring mail, to saying goodbye to neighbours and friends, often their minds are preoccupied as they look forward to a new life elsewhere. When people are stressed, sometimes they forget minute details that can affect the entire transaction. But one of the most important aspects of getting to the closing table is passing the house inspection and taking time to think about what needs to be done before the inspector gets there. The house still need to look pristine for the inspector and, yes, that means putting down the lid on the toilet .

When the average seller sits down to interview real estate agents, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement over choosing a sales price. More money means more financial opportunities for the houseowner. Perhaps it means the seller can afford to buy a more expensive home, help pay for her child's college education or take that greatly overdue vacation.

Unfortunately, uninformed sellers often choose the listing agent who suggests the highest list price, which is the worst mistake a seller can make.

The truth is it doesn't really matter how much money you think your house is worth. Nor does it matter what your agent thinks or ten other agents just like her. The person whose opinion matters is the buyer who makes an offer. Pricing homes is part art and part science. It involves comparing similar properties, making adjustments for the differences among them, tracking market movements and taking stock of present inventory, all in an attempt to come up with a range of value, an educated opinion. This method is the same way an appraiser evaluates a home. And no two appraisals are ever exactly the same; however, they are generally close to each other. In other words, there is no hard and fast price tag to slap on your house. It's only an educated guess and the market will dictate the price.

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