Documente publicate de Nichifor Danilă

Nichifor Danilă

Nichifor Danilă

4 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Payment instruments used in international trade and their influence on delays and money transfer management

I. Introduction The buying or selling contracts in the international trade transactions include a series of special clauses. The purpose of every transaction, especially of international transactions, is to obtain profit. Therefore, the clauses regarding the prices, the payment conditions and the payment methods... citește mai departe

63 pagini 9 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Negotiating în The Real World

I) DECRIPTION OF PARTIES AND REASON OF CONFLICT The two parties of the negotiation are Lacatus Ana Maria the sales person from company Salerm Cosmetics together with Radu Alina, the sales director of the company Salerm and Zaharia Oana Claudia a young woman that wants to start a business in the cosmetics field, a... citește mai departe

8 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Fabrica de lactate între progres economic și dezvoltare durabilă

Introducere: In economia de piata, factorii de productie se afla in proprietatea agentilor economici care isi asuma responsabilitatea utilizarii lor in activitati impuse de piata, cu respectarea reglementarilor existente. Munca este activitatea constienta, specific umana desfacurata in scopul obtinerii de bunuri... citește mai departe

15 pagini 8 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Cultural Profiles and Management Styles Around The World - Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Turkey

1. Introduction The terms “Arab” and “Arabic speaking people” describe a cultural group defined by a common language, history and heritage. There are 22 different Arabic states who are members of the Arabic League. Part of it, are four of the five countries that we are going to talk about: Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco... citește mai departe

15 pagini 9 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview