Documente publicate de Lucretia V.

Lucretia V.

Lucretia V.

6 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Imaginea Laptelui Zuzu pe Piața Românească

Brand-ul Zuzu a fost lansat pe piata la inceputul anului 2006. Tot in 2006, Zuzu a lansat in premiera pe piata din Romania ambalajele Tetra Top de la Tetra Pak, ambalaje ecologice, cu capac, usor de manevrat. O alta inovatie, de data aceasta in categoria iaurturilor, au fost ambalajul Tetra Top cu lingurita atasata... citește mai departe

19 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Exibition and merchandising - case study Altex

Store is not simply a "seller", but also a creator of value, which offer consumers a service in addition to that provided by the product manufacturer created. This service refers to the concentration in the same place of different products, addressing different needs. Attending a store, consumers is saving time,... citește mai departe

37 pagini 8 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Romanian Renewable Energy Development

INTRODUCTION Electricity demand in Romania declined during the 1990s, and several older thermal units were decommissioned. However, demand has recently increased and is expected to continue as the economy expands. Thus, many new electricity generation projects are underway. Privatization has proceeded slowly with... citește mai departe

13 pagini 7 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Education in France

INTRODUCTION The French don't regard childhood as an age of innocence but see it as an age of ignorance. Children must be set straight and corrected." Pascal Nadeau , journalist Francoise The system of education developed in France has many similarities with the one implemented in Romania and because of that I... citește mai departe

12 pagini 5 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

Analiza costurilor - economia întreprinderilor

Capitolul 1 COSTURILE Orice stoc generează costuri și reduce viteza de circulație de care dispune întreprinderea. Costurile aprovizionarii. La marfurile care asigura un câstig mic pe unitatea de produs aceste costuri devin un criteriu deosebit de important. Ele includ cheltuielile de deplasare, corespondenta,... citește mai departe

9 pagini 8 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

The capitalization of the tourist potential of the Suceava county

Chapter 1.The localization and the characterization of the Suceava County 1.1.Geographical position The county of Suceava it is located in north-west part of Romania and it occupy almost 3.6 % of the Romanian territory. With an area of 8553.5 square kilometers is the second biggest county of the country, after... citește mai departe

14 pagini 7 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview