Documente publicate de Pavel Drăghici

Pavel Drăghici

Pavel Drăghici

2 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Criminalitate Informatică

,, If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles. If you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one. If you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle.” Sun Tzu – ,,Arta războiului” Abstract... citește mai departe

6 pagini 6 puncte Extras Bibliografie Preview

Cercetarea tehnico - științifică a urmelor de dinți

Abstract In this article I present some introductory notions and the importance of discovering evidence, especially teeth marks during the tehnical-scientific investigation at the crime scene. This type of track is a surefire way to identify somebody in terms of forensic odontology and forensic pathology point of... citește mai departe

10 pagini 7 puncte Extras Bibliografie Preview