Documente publicate de Miron Sandor

Miron Sandor

Miron Sandor

3 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Elemente de Drept Englezesc - Lecture 2

- THE UK SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT When speaking of the UK system of government we have to speak about the relationship between the main state organs, namely the legislature, the executive and the monarchy. - The Monarchy The monarchy is the most ancient secular institutions in the UK. Its history stretches back more... citește mai departe

10 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Elemente de Drept Englezesc - Lecture 1

- COMMON LAW Common law did not exist at the time of the Norman Conquest. Before 1066, Anglo-Saxon law consisted in local customs applied by assemblies of free men, called county courts. Before William I conquered England, the country was socially atomized. There were local laws and institutions, which often... citește mai departe

10 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

Profilul Negociatorului Chinez

“Cand esti la Roma, poarta-te ca si romanii” este sfatul potrivit caruia sansele de a-ti maximiza succesul sunt foarte mari. Chiar si in timpurile noastre, cand lumea devine din ce in ce mai mica, trebuie sa recunosti ca este necesara adoptarea unor valori care, intr-un anumit grad, raman diferite fata de cele ale... citește mai departe

12 pagini 9 puncte Extras Preview