Tourism Resources Management

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Domeniu: Turism
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Publicat de: Raluca Balazs
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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Roman Livandovschi
Gestiunea resurselor turistice in limba engleza prezentat la ASEM, Republica Moldova.

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Being under the influence of financial efficiency, the research of the tourist techniques moves once and for all into the economic sector. At the dawn of the 3rd millenium, the tourism will sooner become, following the general tendency of human social evolution, the most effective economic field (it is sometimes called the smokeless industry). That’s why the study of this discipline must receive all the information concerning the stage of tourist phenomenon.

The scientist FREULER (Manual of Swiss people’s economy, 1905) shows that tourism is a phenomenon of our days based on the increasing need for recovery and change in home environment, on birth and development of a feeling for nature.

It can be noticed that a high proportion of tourist resources (especially of human origin) is ignored. It led to the wording of an incomplete definition.

From the view of the German scientist POSSER tourism represents a local or regional concentration of foreigners on a temporary basis which generates mutual relationships with the native population.

The tourist phenomenon includes the all the motivations and activities of a leisure and health nature extended in a given place and a given moment. This way it can be pointed out three main aspects of tourism:

- the tourist resources;

- the infrastructure;

- the tourist flow (or the influx of tourists).

Any tourist activity is based on flow of people geared to tourist resources during which the consumption of tourist product and the infrastructure are put to work.


Tourism as a human activity is inconceivable without the presence of human factor, actually the human being. The development of tourist phenomenon, in addition to leisure and physical recovery, has an importance of an economic nature. Considerable incomes are obtained through the consumption of the tourist product. There is a tendency to estimate the efficiency of the tourist activity, besides its beneficial effects on human being, by the income resulting from the development of this one. Consequently, tourism is becoming a top economic field.

The natural factors (relief, climate, and hydrography) often participate proportionally in the setting up of the tourist resources’ potential of many regions of the world, determining the rhythm and the intensity of tourist phenomenon.

In many cases, the TRM course was included in the framework of economic and geographical sciences. Its field of study is the environment through its attractiveness and the socioeconomic phenomena influenced by the its development.

Tourism, being a particularly human activity, is aimed at different age groups, professions and social classes. Therefore, demography and people’s geography play a major role in the definition of the human tourist potential. There are close links with sciences concerning nature (geomorphology, hydrography, climatology, etc.). Through natural resources’ potential (relief, water, climate, vegetation, fauna, etc.) tourist activity is in interaction with transportation and foreign trade.

Tourism is a dynamic activity taking up a lot of space. It involves different transport links. Tourism, through its final outcome of an economic nature, is an integral part of material and spiritual values’ exchanges. Tourist activity has in common with such sciences as geology, history, biology, which also participates in the setting up of tourist potential of a given region.

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  • Tourism Resources Management
    • Theme no. 1 TRM.doc
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